>an ongoing log of reviews and thoughts on aliens and their carriers as portrayed in fiction. My personal commentary on movies, scifi, tv shows, and art, with a focus on older media (pre-2010s).
the community of ET fanatics has grown far and wide, and has come to include and even be synonymous with certain conspiracies. I will be addressing these types of bad-faith alien arguments and evidences here. Any material linking aliens to "Atlantis" or "hollow earth" or other race-based arguments with roots in Nazism and bigotry will be deconstructed and discussed here. Unfortunately, it's inevitable to come across this stuff when digging into aliens, but we can be better, critically thinking, scientifically-grounded alien believers! Together!
reports and accounts of extraterrestrials, in the flesh.
>reports and accounts of alien spacecraft and in-atmosphere craft. These reports and accounts generally don't discuss the physical or psychic manifestation of extraterrestrials, and instead focus on their possible technologies.